Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Quick Hits and catch up

It's been a little while, as usual it seems I can't keep a working timeframe on things these days. That means I do believe its time to catch up on some stuff.

Movies worth the time and money to see at any point in time, UP, and The Hangover.
Up was yet another wonderful journey put together by the PIXAR folks. It's one of the sweetest, funny, adorable and all around good films that anyone can go see and enjoy. Another A+ from PIXAR.
The Hangover, much like Forgetting Sarah Marshall, has quickly solidified itself into a top 10 list of my favorite funny movies ever, and thats a very tough list to crack. Zack Galifinakis steals the show at almost every moment, and the number of cameo's (from Mike Tyson to Rob Riggle and even the wedding band) are perfectly placed. I was howling through a good 80% of this movie, go see it asap.

Solid yet not as impressive as I was hoping for.
Terminator Salvation. It was an amazing hype for a movie that was not bad but not as amazing as trailers would first lead you to believe. By all means it's not horrible if you're a fan of the series it should be fine though I think most people will agree we peaked with the T-1000.

Movies I could care less about going to see ever.
G.I. Joe, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. If you look at the trailer for G.I. Joe and don't know what its about, it just looks like a horrifyingly acted, written and just overal bad movie. It resembles only a tiny fragment of what the target audience remembers/is looking for, yet it will end up grossing millions. Then there's Transformers... I saw the trailers, read the reviews (good and bad) and there is nothing that makes me want to see this. If I want explosions en masse I'll buy fireworks or some type of explosives.

Good movies that have the potential to be amazing or movies I'm really looking forward too.
Cold Souls - Paul Giamatti
500 Days of Summer - Zoey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon-Leavitt
District 9 - Peter Jackson, The trailers put together for this are all sorts of cool.
The Hurt Locker - Not sure if I can sit through it given my history though.
Funny People - Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan.
Inglorious Basterds - Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Quentin Tarentino (nuff said)

Lets hope the rest of the summer keeps the dissapointment low and allows some of the quality movies to stay out there over a week and not keep the massive budget stuff with no substance to boot em out. Enjoy.