I've finally seen District 9 and just prior to that 9, yet am still figuring out the proper way to put them both to words in a format that is appealing for consumption here. In addition there are a great many other very neat things running around out there that I have yet to try/use/play/go to that I shall hopefully be able to soon. Game releases being Wet(out), new Batmans(out), Assassin's Creed 2(Nov), CoD Modern Warfare 2(Nov) are close to my top of must play 1st's list. Shortly after that follows NHL10, a bevy of racers Blur, Need for Speed: Shift, Dirt 2 are some big ones. There's is going to be a very good chance I will not be playing most of those but not for lack of trying.
Fall TV season is almost upon us again as well, with the prime time Emmy's going off tonight, following with what is going to be me trying to figure out how the hell to watch a packed Monday lineup with no dvr. I think it will be figuring out which shows aren't broadcast online and watch those as they happen. I run into the problem for Monday specifically because I think there are now about 4 shows on almost directly opposite each other. CBS runs How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory opposite Heroes and Chuck(when it starts in March), which reside on NBC. I think I may actually hold off to see heroes online due to not wanting to sit thru commercials and in case I miss a bit I can go back. Not having a DVR, after using them for a bit, makes for a less than optimal viewing experience.
That's a short one for now... off to vinyl and football. take care and be well.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
500 Days of Summer, Funny People
Long overdue updates but things are hectic around these parts so my normal distractions can be compounded into more delays at times, enough about me this is about the movies so lets start of with film number one shall we.
Funny People,I enjoyed quite a bit, but please do not let the film's previews into thinking it is the movie that it in reality isn't. My point being is as with most trailers they are trying to get you to see their movie in however which way they can with whatever materials thay have on hand while not trying to give away the important bits of the movie. (some are better at this than others) Right off the bat with the traliers you might be led to belive that this is going to be a non-stop laugh your ass off type of film that we've come to know from the likes of Mr. Apatow and Mr. Rogan. But in turn what we are given is not only a very funny movie, mostly with very well placed one liners in the tune of stand-ups busting each others balls constantly, with a look at how one of the bigger names of comedy, Sandler aka George Simmons, is trying to deal with his own assholeish self and the regrets he's had through his life when he's been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Then after it seems he's becoming comfortable in dying his last ditch effort to battle back... actually works. I think what really draws me to the movie most is not so much the laughs or the potential serious drama involved but the whole thing and how its pulled of has a great sens of realisim throughout the whole. Most people know or should know to be funny you have to be at least a little fucked up, and to be really funny, you're probaly really fucked up. Now that isn't always the case but in most it is, and it takes you on the trip inside this one's head and how he's going to attempt to figure it all out, and all along the way the time is usually going to be interesting.
500 Days of Summer is right now currently one of my favorite movies of this year. Now granted due to my financial situation I still have to get to see Inglorious Basterds, and District 9 which from what my sources are telling me will probably bump this one off the top of the pile, most likely it won't go too far. Summer is fairly similar in my mind to Funny People actually, in the way that its yet another movie of, in the case a healthy young man, trying to figure out where everything went wrong. Now big resaon number one why I love this is because most guys out there have had that "one that got away" or the one that just crushed them so hard they didn't even know how to deal. So what do you do? You sit there and relive every important moment over and over again pouring over, what you think are, all the important details desperatley searching for where it went wrong, or what it is you can change and/or fix to somehow win her back or make things right. Which is exactly how this one works. The movie starts out in its opening sequence with "This is not a love story." Which is true... sort of. Not in our classic case of boy meets girl boy woos girl and after a number of random instances thrown around by the author boy wins girl and lives happiliy ever after. Yet the whole movie is about love and the complexities that come from two very different yet at the same time very similar people and how they seek to get through it. Zooey Deschanel (Summer) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Tom) play off each other brilliantly throught the entire movie. Accompanied by some very entertaining sequences, I'm talking to you morning after musical sequence, and an excellently chosen soundtrack I would absolutlely urge people to see this one.
So 2 down for tonight that I probably should have seen/writting about almost a month ago now, but things happen so lets get down to final verditcs. Funny People very good but not the type of movie the traliers led it to belive but an excellent choice if it's still avail to see in theaters, on dvd but please don't wait til it gets hacked to pieces by cable TV if you see it just grab the dvd people. 500 Days of Summer you'll probably have to do some work just to find this in general even if it was 1st 2 weeks of opening but def to me a must see, something different then the usual faire of movies out there and if you've missed it I know I will most likely add this one to my DVD collection at some point but go out and see it you'll like it I'm almost sure of it.
Thats all for now... coming up on my shortlist of things to see are still Inglorious Basterds, District 9 (i know i shoulda seen it already) and coming out on shortly 9 the very intriguing animated flick (http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2476081689/) which hopfully will be worth my 10 or 11 bucks.
Til next time.
PS if someone knows how to make 1000 bucks fast let me know please I have issues with my car. I will take donations, and if you want more reviews you can donate for those two... psst I wanna do more games : )
Funny People,I enjoyed quite a bit, but please do not let the film's previews into thinking it is the movie that it in reality isn't. My point being is as with most trailers they are trying to get you to see their movie in however which way they can with whatever materials thay have on hand while not trying to give away the important bits of the movie. (some are better at this than others) Right off the bat with the traliers you might be led to belive that this is going to be a non-stop laugh your ass off type of film that we've come to know from the likes of Mr. Apatow and Mr. Rogan. But in turn what we are given is not only a very funny movie, mostly with very well placed one liners in the tune of stand-ups busting each others balls constantly, with a look at how one of the bigger names of comedy, Sandler aka George Simmons, is trying to deal with his own assholeish self and the regrets he's had through his life when he's been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Then after it seems he's becoming comfortable in dying his last ditch effort to battle back... actually works. I think what really draws me to the movie most is not so much the laughs or the potential serious drama involved but the whole thing and how its pulled of has a great sens of realisim throughout the whole. Most people know or should know to be funny you have to be at least a little fucked up, and to be really funny, you're probaly really fucked up. Now that isn't always the case but in most it is, and it takes you on the trip inside this one's head and how he's going to attempt to figure it all out, and all along the way the time is usually going to be interesting.
500 Days of Summer is right now currently one of my favorite movies of this year. Now granted due to my financial situation I still have to get to see Inglorious Basterds, and District 9 which from what my sources are telling me will probably bump this one off the top of the pile, most likely it won't go too far. Summer is fairly similar in my mind to Funny People actually, in the way that its yet another movie of, in the case a healthy young man, trying to figure out where everything went wrong. Now big resaon number one why I love this is because most guys out there have had that "one that got away" or the one that just crushed them so hard they didn't even know how to deal. So what do you do? You sit there and relive every important moment over and over again pouring over, what you think are, all the important details desperatley searching for where it went wrong, or what it is you can change and/or fix to somehow win her back or make things right. Which is exactly how this one works. The movie starts out in its opening sequence with "This is not a love story." Which is true... sort of. Not in our classic case of boy meets girl boy woos girl and after a number of random instances thrown around by the author boy wins girl and lives happiliy ever after. Yet the whole movie is about love and the complexities that come from two very different yet at the same time very similar people and how they seek to get through it. Zooey Deschanel (Summer) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Tom) play off each other brilliantly throught the entire movie. Accompanied by some very entertaining sequences, I'm talking to you morning after musical sequence, and an excellently chosen soundtrack I would absolutlely urge people to see this one.
So 2 down for tonight that I probably should have seen/writting about almost a month ago now, but things happen so lets get down to final verditcs. Funny People very good but not the type of movie the traliers led it to belive but an excellent choice if it's still avail to see in theaters, on dvd but please don't wait til it gets hacked to pieces by cable TV if you see it just grab the dvd people. 500 Days of Summer you'll probably have to do some work just to find this in general even if it was 1st 2 weeks of opening but def to me a must see, something different then the usual faire of movies out there and if you've missed it I know I will most likely add this one to my DVD collection at some point but go out and see it you'll like it I'm almost sure of it.
Thats all for now... coming up on my shortlist of things to see are still Inglorious Basterds, District 9 (i know i shoulda seen it already) and coming out on shortly 9 the very intriguing animated flick (http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2476081689/) which hopfully will be worth my 10 or 11 bucks.
Til next time.
PS if someone knows how to make 1000 bucks fast let me know please I have issues with my car. I will take donations, and if you want more reviews you can donate for those two... psst I wanna do more games : )
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