Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Prince of Persia (360)

So in my search for jobs as of late I've come across the public library and how great it has become around here. One of the number of neat things they have there is a game and music section, which wile obviously not that extensive is not all that horrible. You get games for a week and its free so I'm not going to complain.
So I pick up the newest version of Ubisoft's Prince of Persia franchise. I'd seen it around and heard some quality things about it but hadn't the chance to actually play it until most recently. At first glance people may be a bit turned off by the quasi cell shaded design due to games like Windwaker and other such games made to look like they were designed with a 5th grader in mind, although it is anything but that. From the opening screen you are given the sense that this is going to be very beautifully done and well created at least from a visual standpoint, the detail and environments are incredibly well sculped and put together, as well they should becasue as we knoe from any PoP gane its not so much about figing the bosses or enemies so much as fighting the map itself.
The control scheme is incredibly simplistic for the amount of acrobatics and combos you pull off (horay for the use of the Assasin's Creed engine), I would generaly find my self hitting maybe one button here or there and stringing together some of the most amasing moves and or combos that I've seen in a while with very little effort. That is one of the things that made the journey through the game so enjoyable, no sifting through a manual of button combinations and attempting to memorize patterns just to take a run down a hallway. (which I'm very glad other games are taking this into consideration as well ie NHL 09, NHL 2k9)
The sorty line is all very well put together and I only realyl have one gripe about it, but before I get to that part, lets give a basic overview. You're wandring through the desrt searching for of all things a donkey, which apparently happens to be laden in sacks full of gold from a recent tomb raid. You then come across your soon to be new partner in this event Elika. The damsel in distress chased by guards that you for reasons of plot and there wouldn't be a game otherwise you decide to help. Though the guards see you with her and attack you so you're pretty much forced into the situation especially when she tells you about the dark god Arihman trying to escape and edstory the world. Much fighting ensues and her father smahes apart the seal that was holding said dark god and off you go to save the day. Now my only gripe with this is how they end this whole thing, and no I'm not going to be an ass and say what it is, but the whole point of the game is to seek an certain objective. Then after however many hours of gameplay you finish and go well that was fun... I guess thats it... wait ... why can I still control my character. Then you become, in my case at least, a little bit more than milidly upset but hope they do better because they damn well better explain what the hell happens in the next game.
Other than the one major gripe I have in story conclusion the game was a ton of fun, sometimes going back through and finding the litle balls of light can be a bit repetitive but if you want the achievements go for it, its always a good time stinging together a crazy wallrun/vault/slide/celing crawl/backflip magic jump.
And because most people look for some sort of rating scale its a check it out via renting it out of a holy crap you need to buy this game and own it forever.

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